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Dance Opportunities for Kids in "Back to the 80s" Musical

Wichita Falls, TX, United States
ID: 582840Exp: 4/6/2025

Performers in 6th - 12th Grade are welcome to audition for "Back to the 80s" Show. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: Back to the 80's tells the story of the senior class of William Ocean High School, as remembered through the eyes of now thirty-something Corey Palmer. Seventeen-year-old Corey is madly in love with his next-door neighbor, Tiffany Houston, one of the coolest girls in the school, but she is too busy mooning over Michael Feldman, the hottest guy around. Michael and his friends are athletic and good-looking — the kind of guys that Corey and his two best friends dream of being. However, while they may not be the coolest guys in school, they are still one up on Feargal McFerrin, III, whose best friend is his computer and who believes the crazy notion that one day, CDs will replace cassette tapes. Throw in a Star Wars dream sequence, high-energy dance routines, the obligatory 80s party scene, copious amounts of blue eyeshadow, twenty cans of hairspray, as well as some of the most popular songs ever written, and the result is a musical that will delight and amuse audiences of any age! Additional info: Musical auditions are usually made up of three parts: choreography, vocals, and scene reading (reading from the script of the show). However, some musicals do not contain choreography so this section may be omitted from the audition process. Choreography: The choreographer will teach the group a routine. You then perform it as a group. You can prepare for this portion by watching videos of other productions of the show ahead of time. This will expose you to the type of choreography you will be taught. Vocals: You're encouraged to bring a 16 to 32-bar (30-45 sec.) cut from a song in the style of the show. Directors will provide an accompanist and there is a speaker available if you have tracked music. If you do not bring your own music cut, the musical director or accompanist will teach the group a portion of a song from the show. You will then be called up to perform this song individually or as a group. The best way to prepare for this is to listen to the soundtrack for the show ahead of time. Scene Readings: Portions from the script will be distributed to participants, you normally receive lines for the part you are auditioning for, sometimes the director will hand you different part to ascertain your range as an actor. The best way to prepare for this is to read the script ahead of time and familiarize yourself with the character you wish to portray. Performance Dates: July 11th - July 26th on the Main Stage If interested, please apply.

20 roles

COREY PALMER (SENIOR)Male11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The narrator of the show. Corey (Senior) is pushing 30, living in the year 2000, and reminiscing about the 80s (his school days), and his love for Tiffany Houston.

COREY PALMER (JUNIOR)Male11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

A very likable, very ordinary American teenager.

ALF BUELLERMale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

One of Corey Junior’s two best friends. A likable teenager, only just coming out of childhood.

KIRK KEATONMale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Corey’s other best friend. Corey, Alf and Kirk are very close, but they are rather naïve, particularly about women.

TIFFANY HOUSTONFemale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

One of the group of girls that “Just Wanna Have Fun”. A cute, bubbly teenage female from the 80s, innocent, naïve and doe-eyed about boys and love – aspiring to be Cyndi Lauper and Madonna rolled into one.

CYNDI GIBSONFemale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

One of Tiffany’s best friends. More street-smart than Tiffany, Cyndi knows that boyfriends are a passport to attention and presents.

MEL EASTONFemale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Another one of the inner click of “The Cool Girls”. An all-singing, all-dancing party girl.

KIM EASTONFemale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The twin sister of Mel – although for ease of casting, they will probably be fraternal, not identical.

MICHAEL FELDMANMale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The coolest guy in the school. The girls all fall at his feet. A car-driving, Fonzie-styled football star. Has the romantic attention of all the girls, but particularly Tiffany Houston (who Corey just happens to be in love with.)

BILLY ARNOLDMale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

One of Michael Feldman’s posse. Another popular, good-looking, athletic guy. The kind of person that every 17 year old wants to be (particularly if they are not popular, good-looking or athletic!!)

LIONEL ASTLEYMale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Lionel is fairly similar to Billy. Not quite as cool as the others, but because he is in the group, the girls put up with him anyway.

HUEY JACKSONMale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The final guy to round out the group of Michael Feldman’s friends. Not much else to be said - big hair, wears clothes that were cool at the time, but now just look like fluorescent mismatches of colour.

FEARGAL McFERRINMale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The school nerd.

EILEEN REAGANFemale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The new arrival, charming, full of life and vitality – and a dreamer who lovingly longs for the day when she has a boyfriend.

LAURA WILDEFemale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

One of the girls that adopts Eileen into their group when she arrives at the school.

DEBBIE FOXFemale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Laura’s best friend. Both girls have trouble distinguishing between reality (i.e. that they have had no boyfriends) and fantasy (that they are married to Neil Patrick Harris).

MS SHEENA BRANNIGANFemale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The only female teacher at the school to be seen. Around 30, and the Senior Students Co-ordinator. Outwardly reserved, very friendly and slightly conservative. She has an on again, off again relationship with Mr Cocker.

MR STEVIE COCKERMale11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The Deputy Principal and maths teacher at William Ocean High School. One of only two teachers who will appear in the show. Stevie sees a future together with Sheena, but has major problems when he discovers parts of her past.

EnsembleBoth genders11-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Featured singersBoth genders11-18 y.o.All ethnicities