Casting Young Girls for "Frozen" Broadway Musical
Auditions for the upcoming production of Disney’s FROZEN the Broadway Musical. Looking for young girls, ages 8-13 to play Young Anna & Young Elsa. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Rate: $60 per performance. Additional info: Please have your video ready as a YouTube link BEFORE you sign up (one link only). All video submissions will be due by 10 pm, Friday, April 4, 2025. Videos submitted after 10 pm will not be considered. Disney’s FROZEN the Broadway Musical will play from November 17, 2025, through February 14, 2026. FOR YOUR VIDEO: Please submit as a YouTube link (one link ONLY). Please slate at the beginning of your video and tell us your name. Please prepare 30-45 seconds of an up-tempo musical theater piece in the style of a Disney musical. For those wishing to be considered for ELSA, in addition to your audition song, please also record the provided cut from Let It Go and attach to the end of your audition video. See the document attached. If interested, please apply.
2 roles
Vocal Range: Bb3-E5;
Vocal Range: A3-E5;