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Kid Performers Needed for "The Little Mermaid Jr." Show

Birmingham, AL, United States
ID: 582194Exp: 3/18/2025

Young performers are needed for "The Little Mermaid JR.". Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: SONG REQUIREMENT: Please type in the song's title & provide directors with a YouTube link OR MP3 file for your child's audition song. Recordings must be accompaniment ONLY (no backing vocals). No acapella (no music at all) songs will be accepted. Participants should only sing a short excerpt from the song (30 seconds minimum, 1 minute maximum). MONOLOGUE REQUIREMENT: Auditionees should have a monologue prepared if they wish to audition for a lead role. IF YOUR CHILD WISHES TO ONLY AUDITION FOR THE ENSEMBLE AND NOT A LEAD ROLE, THEY DO NOT NEED A MONOLOGUE. Please be aware that a fee will be involved. If interested, please apply.

27 roles

ARIELFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(Bb3 to Eb5): Ariel, the heroine of our story, is a little mermaid who longs to be human. Ariel has some beautiful solos but must be able to convey meaning through gesture once she loses her voice.

PRINCE ERICMale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(B3 to D5): Prince Eric is the adventurous prince who captures Ariel's heart.

SEBASTIANMale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

( A3 to D5): Sebastian is the meticulous and anxious crab who tries to keep Ariel safe while getting to lead some of the most memorable songs in the show!

FLOUNDERBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(G3 to Db5): Flounder is Ariel's sincere and sensitive best friend who is loyal to the end. This spunky fish also has a show-stopping solo in "She's in Love."

KING TRITONMale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

King Triton rules the sea and is a force to be reckoned with.

AquataFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Ariel's siblings and full of personality and sass.

AndrinaFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Ariel's siblings and full of personality and sass.

AristaFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Ariel's siblings and full of personality and sass.

AtinaFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Ariel's siblings and full of personality and sass.

AdellaFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Ariel's siblings and full of personality and sass.

AllanaFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Ariel's siblings and full of personality and sass.

URSULAFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(F3 to C#5): Ursula is the manipulative sea witch who tries to overthrow King Triton. She is cunning and devious and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

FLOTSAMBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

( C4 to C#5): Flotsam and Jetsam are Ursula's slippery spies. These electric eels are sinister and sneaky.

JETSAMBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

( C4 to C#5): Flotsam and Jetsam are Ursula's slippery spies. These electric eels are sinister and sneaky.

SCUTTLEMale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(B3 to E5): Scuttle is the know-it-all seagull who serves as Ariel's expert on humans. He is funny and off-beat.

GULLSBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(B3 to E5): The Gulls are Scuttle's flock of zany "back-up singers" who help explain human stuff to Ariel.

GRIMSBYMale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(E4 to C5): Grimsby is Prince Eric's prim and proper valet. He is rigid in personality and constantly trying to guide Prince Eric towards the throne.

CHEF LOUISMale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(A3 to C5): Chef Louis is the over-the-top head chef in the palace. He is always wild and frenetic.

CARLOTTAFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Carlotta is the headmistress in Prince Eric's palace and Ariel's greatest human ally.

PRINCESSESFemale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(E4 to G5): The six Princesses try everything they can to win the heart of Prince Eric, but none of them possesses the voice Prince Eric is searching for.

PILOTMale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(Bb3 to C5): The Pilot is the head sailor on Prince Eric's ship.

ChefsBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

SailorsMale6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Sea ChorusBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Sea CreaturesBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

MerfolkBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Lagoon AnimalsBoth genders6-18 y.o.All ethnicities