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Kid Actors Needed for "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Show

Sodus, NY, United States
ID: 582163Exp: 6/13/2025

Audition for "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". For participants under the age of 18, a parent, guardian, or responsible adult must attend the onboarding session. Failure to do so will result in ineligibility for the program. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: CALLBACKS: June 18 th 5 pm - 8 pm ONBOARDING - June 21st 10am- 11:30 am PERFORMANCES - August 15th @6pm, August 16th @2pm, and August 17th @2pm. Audition Requirements: Song: Prepare a song with a backing track between 45 seconds and 2 minutes long. Edits to your music are acceptable. Monologues: Monologues will be available online and at the audition location. Learning them beforehand is welcome but not mandatory. You may not be asked to perform all monologues. Callbacks: The cast list will be posted on the Facebook Page after callbacks. Only those invited will be notified about attending callbacks. Callbacks will take place on the Wednesday after auditions from 5 pm to 8 pm (unless noted otherwise). If interested, please apply.

6 roles

Charlie BucketMale10-10 y.o.All ethnicities

A ten-year-old boy of exceptional kindness and hope. His innocent and hopeful nature shines through in his vocal range of F5 to G#3.

Augustus GloopMale10-12 y.o.All ethnicities

A gluttonous and rambunctious ten- to twelve-year-old boy. His voice, G5 to Bb3, is as loud as a cannon, reflecting his insatiable appetite and boundless energy.

Veruca SaltFemale10-12 y.o.All ethnicities

A spoiled and entitled ten- to twelve-year-old girl. Her voice, Db5 to Ab4, is as sharp as a knife, reflecting her vicious and demanding personality.

Violet BeauregardeMale10-12 y.o.All ethnicities

A confident and arrogant. Her voice, F#5 to C#4, is as chewy as bubble gum, reflecting her bold and outspoken personality.

Mike TeaveeMale10-12 y.o.All ethnicities

A hyperactive and obsessed. His voice, Bb4 to G3, is as static-filled as an old television, reflecting his intense focus on technology.

EnsembleBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities