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Young Talent Wanted for "Alice In Wonderland Jr." Show

Lehighton, PA, United States
ID: 582101Exp: 3/8/2025

Children in 3rd through 8th grades are welcome to audition for "Alice In Wonderland Jr.". Please see the details below. About the project: Fall down the rabbit hole with Alice as she navigates the curious world of Wonderland on a journey of self-discovery. This 60-minute stage adaptation of the classic Disney animated film and the Lewis Carroll stories has been rewritten with an updated script and score made specifically for today’s young performers. When young Alice finds herself in a strange world where everything seems upside down, she must find her way home…and find herself along the way. As she travels through Wonderland, she encounters all of the iconic characters that audiences have come to love, including the ever-tardy White Rabbit, the grinning Cheshire Cat, a cool Caterpillar, the wacky Mad Hatter, and the hot-tempered Queen of Hearts. Additional info: Please be prepared to sing and act. The audition material is attached. Once directors finalize casting, a rehearsal schedule will be distributed with exact dates and times, but please plan on practicing every Wednesday from 4:30-6:30 and every Sunday from 2:00-4:30 for sure. Rehearsals on Fridays from 4:30 to 5:30 will also be held, but only on certain weeks and typically for only a few actors. Please do your best to make yourselves and your children available at these times. Attendance is so important to putting on the best show possible. If these times do not work for you and your child will be missing a lot of rehearsals, we ask that you please reconsider participation in this year’s show. The show will be performed on the weekend of May 9th through May 11th. Show times are 7 pm for Friday and Saturday and 2 pm on Sunday. Actors should plan to report an hour earlier than the show's start time. Please see the attached audition packet for audition information. If interested, please apply.

28 roles

AliceFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

A curious and adventurous girl

Tall AliceFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

A curious and adventurous girl

Small AliceFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

A curious and adventurous girl

MathildaFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Alice’s older sister, who is more logical and grounded than her sibling. Non-singing role, but should be a strong actor.

Friends 1 and 2Both genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Mathilda’s snooty friends who find Alice odd. Non-singing.

Chesire Cats 1-3Both genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Magical felines in three parts who don’t always agree; friendly guides for both Alice and the audience. Non-singing roles, but should be able to speak loudly and clearly to narrate the story. Each member will represent a part of the cat – head, body, and tail.

White RabbitMale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

The perennially tardy royal trumpeter. High energy performer. Hardly ever stops moving. Has one singing solo.

DoorknobMale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Gatekeeper of Wonderland. Non-singing role, but should have good comedic timing.

Dodo BirdBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Captain of the Queen’s Navy and referee of the caucus race. Should be a strong singer and actor.

Tweedle DeeBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Goofy twins with impeccable manners who are easily confused. Should be both strong singers and actors and have good comedic timing.

Tweedle DumMale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Goofy twins with impeccable manners who are easily confused. Should be both strong singers and actors and have good comedic timing.

RoseFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

The rudely exclusive Flowers of the Golden Afternoon. In this version of the show, they are portrayed as a group of pop singers. Must be strong performers.

LilyFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

The rudely exclusive Flowers of the Golden Afternoon. In this version of the show, they are portrayed as a group of pop singers. Must be strong performers.

PetuniaFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

The rudely exclusive Flowers of the Golden Afternoon. In this version of the show, they are portrayed as a group of pop singers. Must be strong performers.

DaisyFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

The rudely exclusive Flowers of the Golden Afternoon. In this version of the show, they are portrayed as a group of pop singers. Must be strong performers.

VioletFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

The rudely exclusive Flowers of the Golden Afternoon. In this version of the show, they are portrayed as a group of pop singers. Must be strong performers.

CaterpillarMale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

A charming, theatrical, and encouraging soon-to-be-butterfly. The Caterpillar is actually made up of five ensemble members moving together, but only the head will speak/sing. This actor should be able to sing, act, and dance well, as he (or she) is the heart of the story and convinces Alice to be herself.

Mad HatterBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

A tea party host with a penchant for hats and making up rules. Comedic actor. One solo song, but it is an easy song to “speak-sing” if necessary.

March HareMale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

The ever-celebrating and game-loving tea party host. Has a few solo lines that are also easy to “speak-sing” if necessary.

King of HeartsMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The Queen’s placid partner. Non-singing role, but must be able to pronounce some difficult vocabulary words.

Queen of HeartsFemale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

The highly feared, hot-tempered monarch of Wonderland. She’s the bully of the story. Commanding presence and strong singing are required.

Party Guests at the March Hare and Mad Hatter’s tea partyBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Royal CardsBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Servants of the Queen and King of HeartsBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Ace of SpadesMale8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Two of ClubsBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Three of DiamondsBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Four of HeartsBoth genders8-13 y.o.All ethnicities