Casting Teen Performers for "12 Hour Jr Musical"
Performers aged 12-18 years old are invited to audition for "12 Hour Jr. Musical". Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: What is a 12-hour Junior musical you might ask??!?! Well, it is a Junior Musical (an hour to an hour and a half show) that directors begin rehearsing at 7 am that morning and perform it at 7 pm that evening. Crazy right?!?! Wel,l there's more! The teens won't know what show or their part until 7 am either.... WHOAAAAAA! That's also not all. The audience won't be able to know the show either until the opening cords are played. WHAT???!?!?! That's right. It is a surprise to all. Additional info: Please prepare 16 bars of a musical theater song. Have a backup 16 bars in case directors ask you to sing more. You will cold read from the sides provided at the audition. The sides will be from several random Jr productions, not just the production directors are planning. You will be shown two 8-count dances of varying difficulty, just do your best! Note that the cast fee will be applied. If interested, please apply.