"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" Seeks Teenagers
Looking for kids and teens for "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Children ages 6 - 12 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at ALL times. This includes auditions, rehearsals, work days, and performances. In addition to being responsible for your child, please also note that young children cannot do this on their own. It will require a parent to be focused during rehearsals, taking notes, and helping their child learn their lines, music, and choreography at home. See the flyer attached for details. See the document attached for all details. If interested, please apply.
20 roles
Eleventh & Favorite son of Jacob. Vocally strong Tenor.
Guides the audience through the story. Can command the stage and hold endurance through the whole show. Mezzo-Soprano Belter. *We are considering making this a multi-person role.
Elvis Presley Impersonator - soloist.
Character role, tells Joseph a dream and receives a prophecy.
Character role, tells Joseph a dream and receives a prophecy.
Sings “One More Angel in Heaven”, the oldest of the brothers and the group’s leader.
Sings “Those Canaan Days”, a dynamic character singer.
Sings “Benjamin Calypso” charismatic and fun-loving brother ready for some good times.
One of the leading brothers. Dancer & athletic mover (no singing solo, but dance solo/partnering)
One of the brothers (no solo)
One of the brothers (no solo)
One of the brothers (no solo)
One of the brothers (no solo)
One of the brothers (no solo)
One of the brothers (no solo)
Youngest of the brothers
Dance heavy track to assist with larger numbers and small groups.
On stage quite often in many different large numbers
They are the “real audience” and end up being onstage for almost the entirety of the show - - singing and dancing.