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Casting Call: "Midnight Monster Madness" Musical
Milwaukee, WI, United States
ID: 579810Exp: 3/1/2025
Musical spoof on B-type science fiction movies from the 1950s
8 roles
JohnnyMale11-13 y.o.White / Caucasian
boy with a telescope who is the first in town to see a spaceship
FrogBoth genders7-9 y.o.Other
a frog
CricketBoth genders7-9 y.o.Other
a cricket
ReggieMale15-17 y.o.White / Caucasian
brusque teen
Sally-SayFemale15-17 y.o.White / Caucasian
Reggie's girlfriend
Gum BugMale15-17 y.o.White / Caucasian
Reggie's stupid best friend
Su-SuFemale15-17 y.o.White / Caucasian
Gum Bug's much smarter girlfriend
BinkyMale15-17 y.o.White / Caucasian
Teen boy who turns into a swamp monster