Kid Actors Needed for "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"
Kids ages 7 and up are invited to audition for "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever". Please see the details below. About the project: It tells the story of six misbehaving children-the Herdmans-and their unexpected involvement with the town's annual Christmas pageant. Told in first person by an unnamed narrator, it explores themes of Redemption, Perspective and Judgment, and Tradition. Additional info: A great show for actors of all ages and families wanting to perform together this holiday season! Very relaxed fun audition process, no need to prepare anything! Show date: December 14. If interested, please apply.
20 roles
The narrator, a strong voice and presence.
Traditional kid brother.
Ragged, scroungy, slouching man- ner, touch of adolescent cool.
Loud, bossy, crafty.
Tough, sure of himself
Tough, combative
Looking for trouble, Claude's usual partner in crime.
Small, wiry, fiesty
Prim, proper, pain in the neck