Teen Singing Audition for "Assassins" Play
A singing audition for teens is being held for the play "Assassins". Please refer to the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: Assassins is a musical that explores the lives and motives of nine people throughout U.S. history who have either assassinated or attempted to assassinate the president of the United States. The show is made up of a series of vignettes and songs spanning a wide range of American musical styles in an evening of entertainment that is equal parts surreal, humorous, and chilling. Assassins holds up a mirror to society and history, inviting us to acknowledge and ponder some very dark, strange, and inescapable truths about America and what it means to be an American. Additional info: Production Dates: October 18 – November 3, 2024 Fri/Sat at 7:30 p.m. | Sun at 2:00 p.m. **Call time for actors will be one hour before each performance** Callbacks (by director invitation only) – Sunday, July 28, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. REHEARSALS: Starting September 9th – Sunday afternoons (2pm-5pm), Monday-Thursday evenings (7pm-10pm). TECH WEEK: October 14th-17th (Times TBD). PERFORMANCES: October 18th-November 3rd (Friday and Saturday Evenings at 7:30pm [6:30pm call time] and Sunday Matinees at 2:00pm [1:00pm call time]). Please see the attachment for details. If you are interested please apply.
21 roles
The proprietor of a shooting gallery of sorts. A sort of dark-sided Uncle Sam figure, The Proprietor is showy, charismatic, and sinister. In effect, he lures the assassins into fulfilling their place in history by convincing them that shooting the president will solve their problems and free them from their discontentment. NOTE: This actor will also be playing John Wilkes Booth.
Assassinated President Abraham Lincoln during a performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theater, Washington, D.C., April 14, 1865. Charismatic and persuasive, with an undercurrent of menace just under the surface. Speaks with a bit of a southern drawl. NOTE: This actor will also be playing The Proprietor.
Attempted to assassinate President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt as Roosevelt greeted well-wishers in Bayfront Park, Miami, Florida, February 15, 1933. Italian immigrant. Blames many of his problems (including his ongoing stomach problems) on those in power, and wants to make someone pay for it. Though English is not his first language and his lines are written in somewhat broken English, we are not looking for an Italian stereotype.
Assassinated President William McKinley during a public reception at the Temple of Music Pavilion at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, September 6, 1901. Nonviolent by nature and rather sensitive at his core, but driven to violence by years of thankless labor and inhumane working conditions. In love with the idea of a fairer America, but feels powerless towards making it a reality.
Attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford as he left the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, California, September 5, 1975. A devout follower of cult leader Charles Manson (whom she also happens to be head-over-heels in love with). Sometimes very intense, sometimes rather spacey, always unpredictable. Truly believes Charles Manson will save the world.
Attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford as he left the St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, California, September 22, 1975 (within a month of Squeaky Fromme’s attempt on Ford’s life). Genuinely scatterbrained, but may also have some ulterior motives under her chaotic exterior. She has led several different “lives” – she has married (and divorced) five husbands, mothered three children, had associations with the radical left, and has also worked as an informant for the FBI.
Attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan as he left the Washington Hilton, Washington, D.C., March 30, 1981. Antisocial, obsessive, fixated on the idea of being romantically involved with young actress Jodie Foster. He is what we might call an “incel” in the 21st century. He writes songs on his guitar about his love for Ms. Foster, and even plays part of one for us. Guitar-playing ability desired (at least the first few measures of the number “Unworthy of Your Love”).
Assassinated President James Garfield in the waiting room of the Baltimore & Potomac Railroad Station, Washingoton, D.C., July 2, 1881. Carries himself with an air of grandeur. Ambitious and optimistic to a fault; he is always looking for opportunities to advance in society, without really having any of the credentials necessary to do so. Some might call him “delusional.”
Attempted to assassinate President Richard Nixon; hijacked a commercial jetliner at the Baltimore-Washington International Airport, which he intended to crash dive into the White House on February 22, 1974. Deeply depressed about his own disappointing life as well as the state of America. Routinely records cassette tapes of himself airing his grievances and mails them to well-known public figures.
A Woody Guthrie/Pete Seeger-style folk singer. A sort of bright-eyed personification of The American Ideal, and a strong believer in the possibility of The American Dream coming true for anyone at any time. Guitar-playing ability desired, but not necessary. NOTE: This actor will also be playing Lee Harvey Oswald.
Assassinated President John F. Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, Dallas, Texas, November 22, 1963. A troubled young man at the end of his rope. After a long series of disappointments and failures, he feels he has run out of things to try to feel loved, appreciated, and important. NOTE: This actor will also be playing The Balladeer.
A turn-of-the-century anarchist agitator and feminist.
One of John Wilkes Booth’s confederates who aided him in his attempted escape
Garfield’s Secretary of State
Sara Jane Moore’s 9-year-old son