Movie Role for Baby Girls for "Hard Feelings"
Looking for PAID EXTRAs (Ages 8 months to 2 years old) to be a part of scenes for the movie, "HARD FEELINGS". Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Rate: The rate for extras on this production is $200 for 12 hours of work which you will receive in the form of a check in the mail 2 to 3 weeks after filming. Additional info: Casting for the following specific PAID extras: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 -TWINS GIRLS (1 YR OLD) ***The will play the child of one of our actors FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23- 1 YR OLD GIRL ***The will play the child of one of our actors ***African-American *** Rate: $200/12 Please have open availability When applying please send: – Name – Number – Age - DATE OF BIRTH. – Height – Weight – Sizes (Shirt, Pants, Jacket, etc.) – Race / Ethnicity - GA DOL # -Last 4 of SS – 2 RECENT PICTURES (1 Head shot and 1 Full body). Subject: Twins 2/22 or w/Subject: Toddler 2/23