Landen Ward

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Profile ID: 3334444

Age:7 y.o.
male29 lbs weightBrown eyesBrown hair
Landen is a very smart, socially engaged, active 4 year old mamas boy he is caring, sweet but very much a little boy, loves to play outside and dig in dirt with his construction vehicles, loves animals , learning videos and dress up in his play uniforms his favorite is his police officer costume because he wants to be a police officer when he grows up. He is forever either asking me to video record or doing so himself while he is mimicking dances he is watching on you tube kids videos.
Karate, pretending to be a ninja flipping and ninja kicking his way throughout the house 🤣, if he isn't in ninja mood he is watching, and acting out dances and activities he is glued to on you tube kids, Landen also loves to learn & accomplish new things.