Eleanor Guzules

star icon3,390
Profile ID: 1547344

Age:19 y.o.
Ethnicity:White / Caucasian
female5' 10'' height170 lbs weightGreen eyesOther hair10 dress size
Script Memorization
Song memorization
Singing - alto
Ellie takes multiple honors courses in school and is already looking for the acting/arts colleges she should apply for. Ellie took part in Girl Scouts for 5 years and has cosplayed in the past for her friends’ YouTube channels and Comic Con type panels. Ellie can rewatch a movie a million times and never be bored of it. Even, and perhaps most especially, when she can say every line as it is uttered on screen.
Ellie enjoys singing and dancing inside of the theater and out. She also enjoys watching plays and experiments with bartending and cooking. She is a movie devotee who takes pride in her memorization of scenes or entire movies. Ellie will write episodes of shows or entire movies purely from memory and reciting the lines for fun. She also draws and writes stories/scripts when she is feeling bored enough.


Sour Kangaroo by Roberta Jones Jr.Theater

Theater company performance, playing the Sour Kangaroo (supporting). Belter.
calendar iconMarch, 2022