Teen Performers Wanted for Auditions "Ghost Bike"
Seeking teen performers for "Ghost Bike" auditions. See details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: Ora and Eddie fell in love with Chicago on their bikes. But when Eddie is hit by a car and killed, Ora refuses to let him go. Instead, she rides beneath our city to bring him back, facing off against underworld gods and ghosts – some interested in helping her, some determined to get in her way. Chicago culture sketches off of Greek, African, and Chinese mythology, sparking a spirited mash-up of underworld and after-life as seen from the seats of fixies, BMX’s and ten-speeds. Additional info: Callbacks: Monday, March 31st from 6 PM – 8:30 PM First Rehearsal/Table Read: Saturday, April 5th from 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM Rehearsals: Will meet on Saturdays between 1 - 5 PM, plus an additional 1-2 days a week. Shows: Thursday, June 12th at 7:00 PM Friday, June 13th at 7:00 PM Saturday, June 14th at 7:00 PM Sunday, June 15th at 7:00 PM Friday, June 20th at 7:00 PM Saturday, June 21st at 7:00 PM Sunday, June 22nd at 7:00 PM If you are interested please apply.
21 roles
Tough as nails. Rides a fixed-gear bike. EDDIE’s best friend.
More distractable than ORA – sometimes he has his head in the clouds. Rides a fixed-gear bike. ORA’s best friend.
An ER nurse.
A bearded young man of ill repute. Shady. Not sleazy, though – he’s too smart to show that side of himself. Rides a freak bike. (Also plays KING YAMA)
A shrink. Doesn’t ride a bike.
Over-intellectual. All died young. A little bit hipster.
The rotting corpse that rules over Niflheim. Rides a tandem bike.
The non-rotting half of Hel. Rides a tandem bike.
The oldest ghost in Niflheim.
The woman who rows the boat across the River Styx.
BMX riders who guard the gate to Hell.
Eddie’s friend in the Underworld. Rides a ghost bike.
Eddie’s friend (and ORA’s competition) in the Underworld. Rides ghost bike.
A hag from Buddhist mythology.
Persephone of the Greek myths. Her clothes are stained with pomegranate juice. She carries a pomegranate with her.
The emperor of the Underworld. (Also plays SATYR)
Ghost riders exiting the underworld.