Casting Young Talent for Extortion Thugs Casting Call
Character Name: Mikey Bellecci (Speaking part) Italian Looking. Paid Age: 7 Male Height: 45- 55 inches Weight: 40 lbs.- 60lbs. Hair color: Black, brown, blonde Character Description: Mikey is Don Bellecci handsome and intelligent son, full of curiosity and humor. He loves asking questions and he has a natural charm that makes his endearing to those around him. Deeply devoted to his parents, he admires his father and cherishes his mother, always seeking their guidance and approval. How to Play the Role: The actor playing Mikey should bring a natural charm, intelligence, and curiosity to the role, portraying him as a bright and inquisitive young man. He should show warmth and affection towards his parents, conveying deep love and respect. His humor should come across naturally, adding a light touch to his character while still maintaining respect.
1 role
Character Name: Mikey Bellecci (Speaking part) Italian Looking. Paid Age: 7 Male Height: 45- 55 inches Weight: 40 lbs.- 60lbs. Hair color: Black, brown, blonde Character Description: Mikey is Don Bellecci handsome and intelligent son, full of curiosity and humor. He loves asking questions and he has a natural charm . How to Play the Role: The actor playing Mikey should bring a natural charm, intelligence, and curiosity to the role, portraying him as a bright and inquisitive young man.