Casting Teenagers for "School House Rock Live" Show
Audition for "School House Rock Live" Show. Auditioners (ages 14 and up) should sign up for an audition slot. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACEPTED. Additional info: Those auditioning should: Plan to attend only one day of auditions. Be familiar with the show and its music. Prepare two one-minute, contrasting songs (one up-tempo, one ballad) in the style of the show (contemporary musical theater/pop). Bring sheet music in the correct keys, hole-punched in a three-ring binder. Singers will not be permitted to sing a cappella. Bring a list of conflicts between March 9 and May 11. If interested, please apply.
6 roles
Tom’s romantic side. Typically sweet and caring.
Tom’s goofy side. Endearing, cute, and very playful.
Tom’s sweet side. An earnest and sweet ingenue who plays guitar.
Tom’s cool side. Very slick and laid back, but also fun-loving.
Tom’s mature side. She is thoughtful, grounded, and the voice of reason.