"Miss Cotton Patch Festival Pageant" Needs Girls
"Miss Cotton Patch Festival Pageant" is looking for participants of all ages. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Event Timing: April 26 @ 1 pm. Pageant dress. Beauty Walk is only for Baby-Sophomores. Junior/Senior contestants will introduce themselves prior to their beauty walk. This pageant is open to residents of Monroe and surrounding counties! The system focuses on natural beauty. Makeup is to be age-appropriate. NO falls or wiglets. NO fake teeth/flippers. Any tans should look natural. Spraying is not allowed on site. Each age division will have a Queen, 1st alternate, and 2nd alternate. Side awards such as Best Hair, Eyes, Smile, and Dress will also be awarded per age division. With enough participation, a CASH Scholarship will be awarded to the winner of the Junior/Senior division. Queens will be required to attend the Cotton Patch Festival on Saturday, May 17. Alternates are also encouraged to attend. Any cash awards will be given at the festival. Note that a fee will be applied. If interested, please apply.
9 roles
0m-1 year