Kid Actors Needed for "The Little Mermaid JR." Show
Audition for "The Little Mermaid JR." The age range for this production is 6- to 18-years-old. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additionla info: For auditions, directors ask that you bring in a headshot or recent photo as well as a resume (if you have one). For your vocal performance, please prepare a portion of a song that fits within 30-60 seconds along with a karaoke track. The director will have a speaker at auditions to connect to, but you are more than welcome to bring your own speaker, as well. Following vocal auditions, there will be cold reads of scenes from the show. Tech week is July 27th - July 31st with rehearsals each night. There will be a total of 4 performances from August 1st to August 3rd. All tech rehearsals and performances are MANDATORY. Rehearsals beginning on April 14th. Rehearsals will be Mondays and Thursdays from 6-8, and Sundays from 1-4, beginning on May 4th. (Please note that Monday and Thursday rehearsals will change to 6-8:30 in the weeks leading up to the performance dates.) Tech week is July 27th - July 31st with rehearsals each night. There will be a total of 4 performances from August 1st to August 3rd. All tech rehearsals and performances are MANDATORY. There is a production fee for each actor who joins. If interested, please apply.
18 roles
Ariel, the heroine of our story, is a little mermaid who longs to be human. Ariel must be able to convey meaning through gesture once she loses her voice. Vocal range top: Eb5 Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Prince Eric is the adventurous, charming, and sensitive prince who captures Ariel's heart. Vocal range top: D5 Vocal range bottom: B3
Sebastian is the meticulous and anxious crab who tries to keep Ariel safe throughout the course of the show. Vocal range top: D5 Vocal range bottom: A3
Flounder is Ariel's sincere and sensitive best friend who is loyal to the end. Vocal range top: Db5 Vocal range bottom: G3
KING TRITON rules the sea and is a force to be reckoned with, while still having the tenderness of a parent. Vocal range: not a singing role
Ursula is the manipulative sea witch who tries to overthrow King Triton. She is cunning and devious and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Vocal range top: C#5 Vocal range bottom: F3
Flotsam and Jetsam are Ursula's slippery spies. These electric eels are sinister, sneaky, underhanded, and devious. Vocal range top: C#5 Vocal range bottom: C4
Scuttle is the know-it-all seagull who serves as Ariel's expert on humans. He is funny and off-beat. Vocal range top: E5 Vocal range bottom: B3
Grimsby is Prince Eric's prim and proper valet. He is rigid in personality and constantly trying to guide Prince Eric towards the throne. Vocal range top: C5 Vocal range bottom: E4
Chef Louis is the over-the-top head chef in the palace. He is always wild and frenetic. Vocal range top: C5 Vocal range bottom: A3
Carlotta is the headmistress in Prince Eric's palace and Ariel's greatest human ally. Vocal Range: not a singing role
The six Princesses try everything they can to win the heart of Prince Eric. Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: E4