Casting Teen Performers for "Illyria" Play
Seeking performers ages 16 and up for "Illyria" Play. Please see the details below. About the project: Illyria in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night is a seemingly magical land, also off the coast of the Adriatic Sea, where nobles act like commoners and nothing is as it seems. In Shakespeare's Illyria, characters dress in disguise, women crossdress for protection, and nobles drink, party, and wallow in love with the commoners. The land of Illyria in Shakespeare's play is the opposite of his characterization of London in every way. If London is a place of rigid law in most of his plays, Illyria exists outside of said law and structure. Its placement on the coast is a physical manifestation of said outlaw existence. Additional info: PREPARE: -Any Shakespearian sonnet (30-60 seconds) -Be prepared for cold readings -16 bars of an upbeat musical. MAY FEST indoor performances: May 31 & June 1, 2025. See the attachment for details. If interested, please apply.