Child Actress Needed for 'JAM' Short Film
Looking for a young actress to play the young version of an older actress in my short film called JAM. The film is about three teen friends who have been friends since childhood and one of them dies. The young actress will have four lines only, and one scene takes place with no dialogue. That footage will be used w/ a voiceover. A mandatory cast photoshoot/premiere will be held on March 30th, 2025 Filming for JAM will take place in the next 2 to 3 weeks. I provide food and beverage throughout the entire production. This is a small project, so your child will only be needed for two hours on each day over the course of two days. She will be credited in the film. A photo of the actress that your child MUST resemble is attached below. Please DO NOT submit applications if there is no resemblance to the actress.
1 role
Young Morgan, will play the younger role of the teen Morgan in JAM. She has two best friends, Amber and Julie. Int he first scene, the young actress will engage in play with her friends. The second scene, she will dance with her friends. The young actress must be brown skinned, between 3'11 and 4'3 tall. Preference for monolid or epicanthic eyes to resemble the actress features. The ethnicity of the young actress must be able to pass for African American and or a mix of Asian.