Young Talent Wanted for Audition "Circle Mirror Transformation"
Seeking young talent for auditions in "Circle Mirror Transformation"! See the details below. About the project: It’s no secret that people are always “going through something.” Big or small, our struggles often bubble just beneath the surface, having an outsized effect on how we see the world and how the world sees us. Circle Mirror Transformation is a quirky dramedy about the 6-week journey of five strangers in a small-town acting class. They gradually find themselves becoming characters in their own lives as the theater games they play turn into a real-life psychodrama, unexpectedly revealing the secrets and longings of each actor. Annie Baker scripts require a naturalistic acting style not unlike movie acting. Her characters often speak in sentence fragments, including the kinds of pauses you hear when people are considering how much they really want to tell you. Additional info: PERFORMANCE DATES: 1 weekend. Fri & Sat evenings, April 4 & 5 at 7pm; Sunday matinee April 6 at 3pm If you are interested please apply.
1 role
A High School girl. She is very smart, but hides it under her surly, eye-rolling, teenage personality. She hints at an unhappy home life and dreams of proving herself by becoming a “real actress.” She struggles with her own and her immigrant family’s perfectionism.