Looking for Kids for Kids YouTube Channel
We're starting a new fun kids show "Mr Brandon" looking for kids to ages 5-11 (or open kids of all ages 3-100+). Songs and skits along with subjects of friendship and being a good person is the main focus of this show. Live action with puppets and animation too - in the tone of shows like Ms Rachel but with a male host. A nod and a wink to Mr Fred Rogers and Sesame Street era I grew up on. We can have a lot of fun and make positive content for the kiddos! EASY APPLY or AUDITION: please submit an email with a short phone video (:30 second to 1:00 is perfect) WHAT TO RECORD: singing something like "happy birthday' or "ABC's" or dancing, or being silly, or reading a story, shooting baskets, coloring, or what ever your talent is - lets share it! LOCAL LOS ANGELES write LOCAL in email subject line * We're just starting, there is no compensation until we get monetized yet
1 role
EASY APPLY or AUDITION: please submit an email with a short phone video (:30 second to 1:00 is perfect) SEND via email. WHAT TO RECORD: singing something like "happy birthday' or "ABC's" or dancing, or being silly, or reading a story, shooting baskets, coloring, or what ever your talent is - lets share it!