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Casting Teen Performers for "The Play That Goes Wrong"

El Dorado, AR, United States
ID: 580834Exp: 2/22/2025

Seeking performers ages 17 and up for "The Play That Goes Wrong". Please see the details below. Additional info: Callbacks: Sat 6:30 pm if requested Preparing for Auditions: -Expect cold readings from the script & theatre games. -Be prepared to participate in movement exercises and learn some blocking choreography. Dress prepared for physical activity Complete the Conflict Calender attached, otherwise no advance preparation. If interested, please apply.

6 roles

ChrisMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(young & ambitious) The Cornley Drama Society Company theatre director who plays Inspector Carter; must be able to play physical comedy & farce, be authoritative & determined; English accent; well-spoken

JonathanMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Company actor who plays Charles Haversham; must be able to play physical comedy & farce and a dead body; English accent; awkward, bad actor

RobertMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Company actor who plays Thomas Colleymoore; must be able to play physical comedy, farce & slapstick; English accent; very determined bad actor

AnnieFemale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Company stage manager; must be able to play farce & very broad physical comedy; NO English accent; must fight

TrevorMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Company lighting and sound technician; must be able to play physical comedy & farce; English accent; bumbling & awkward

Stage CrewBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Company stage crew; on-stage mem- bers of the The Cornley Drama Society company stage crew working on & repairing the Haversham Manor set and backstage as the stage crew.