Casting call for Short Students Films for Kids
Casting call for kids in short student films. See the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Please come prepared with a one minute monologue, headshot and resume. Students Films: "Life On the Line" "Intercept*" "Operation Lost Pup" "Stuck" If you are interested please apply.
15 roles
Steph’s kid, helpful, motivated. "Intercept*"
Steph’s kid, naive, vulnerable. "Intercept*"
Energetic, imaginative, playful. "Operation Lost Pup"
Emotional, broken family, internal struggles in relationships. "Stuck"
Emotional, people pleasing, traumatized. "Stuck"
Disheveled, depressed, lonely. "Life On the Line"
Clean shaven, ageless, chill/laid back, customer service vibe. "Life On the Line"
Love interest, alt vibe, non-speaking role. "Life On the Line"
Ethnically ambiguous, artsy, empathetic. "Intercept*"
Stoic, flirty, Vera’s love interest. "Intercept*"
Typically lighthearted, irritated in his relationship, resembles Chris in his relationship. "Stuck"
Generic, aggressive communicator. "Stuck"
Generic, passive aggressive. "Stuck"
Generic, gentle, needy. "Stuck"