Casting Teenagers for "Once Upon A Time in France" Show
Looking for teenagers ages 17+ for "Once Upon A Time in France". Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Callbacks will take place on Feb. 26th from 6p-9p by invite. Once you select a time slot please add the role you're interested in. Rehearsals: April 15th - 27th from 7p-10p; Sundays & Mondays OFF. TECH: April 29th - 30th from 7p-11p. If interested, please apply.
4 roles
Energetic about life. Watches youtube videos of Iron Chef America to get an adrenaline rush.
Knows the worst thing that's happened in a city in the last calendar year before vacationing there.
Good ol' American boy. Works in a cubicle next to a latino at work, so takes it upon himself to say “Hola” everyday. (He doesn’t speak any Spanish)
Good ol’ wife. Loves to bake desserts with warm fruits, but never eats any of them herself.