Audition for "The Spongebob Musical". Looking for performers ages 16 and up. Please see the details below.
Additional info:
Dancers (modern, ballet, tappers…), Singers (belters…!)
Character and Physical Theatre Actors, skateboarders, rollers skaters, jugglers -that can sing and dance… EVERYTHING!
The show is mainly to be cast by adults, but is not discouraging anyone from auditioning.
Teams are primarily looking for people aged 16 and over.
All audition attendees are expected to attend both vocal and dance auditions.
Audition attendees only need to attend one of the three timeslots for vocal auditions and one of the two timeslots for dance.*
Vocal auditions:
Bring your karaoke track to sing along with, approx 16-32 bars / 90 seconds of a song. (There will not be an accompanist, and we advise against singing a cappella.)
Dance auditions:
Bring your dance shoes (jazz, ballet, character…)
If interested, please apply.