Young Talent Wanted for Upcoming Singing Audition "Xanadu"
Seeking actors ages 17 and up for "Xanadu" Musical. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: The one-act musical “Xanadu” is about a Greek Muse, Clio, who disguises herself as a roller-skating Australian woman (played by Olivia Newton-John in the original movie) and inspires artist Sonny Malone to open a roller disco. (The audition description says the show is “a glitzy, campy, roller-disco dream” that “will certainly leave the audience rolling with laughter – and on skates!”) Additional info: Interested actors should prepare 16 bars of a musical theater piece similar to (but not from) “Xanadu,” including printed sheet music for the accompanist, plus a one- or two-minute contemporary monologue, preferably comedic. Callbacks will be Wednesday, Feb. 5, and Thursday, Feb. 6, from 6:30 to 10:15 p.m. The show itself will run Friday, May 2, through Saturday, May 10. If interested, please apply.
16 roles
Greek Muse of History and leader of the Muses, also the youngest of Zeus’s daughters. Disguises as a roller-skating free-spirited Australian to inspire Sonny Malone. Soprano, G3-A5.
Visionary and artist who just needs a little help. Quintessential Venice Beach 1980s California dreamer - big fan of tiny shorts. Tenor, B3-C6.
Miserly business-owner who gave up on love and art long ago but holds the key to Sonny and Kira’s dreams. Also plays Zeus, father of the Muses and a real stickler for the rules. Tenor, A3-C6.
Greek Muse of Tragedy, oldest of the Muses, and Mother of the Sirens. Jealous, scheming, and spiteful against Kira. Also plays Medusa with the snakey hair. Mezzo-soprano, G3-A5.
Greek Muse of Epics, sidekick to her sister Melpomene’s schemes. Also plays Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and wife of Zeus. Mezzo-soprano, G3-A5.
Greek Muse of Comedy, loves a good gag. Also plays Tubes Singer 1. Tenor, C4-C6.
Greek Muse of Music, wants to be Maria Callas. Also plays Andrews Sister 1. Soprano, G3-A5.
Greek Muse of Lyrics and Erotica, might inspire a sonnet or a limerick. Also plays Andrews Sister 2. Mezzo-Soprano, G3-C6.
Greek Muse of Dance, ready to cut a rug. Also plays Tubes Singer 2. Tenor, C4-C6.
Dance-memory of who Danny Maguire used to be. Featured tap dancer. Also plays various chorus characters. Any vocal part.
Queen of the gods and Goddess of Marriage/Women, and wife of Zeus. Also plays a Siren (mythical figure whose singing lures sailors to their death) and various chorus characters. Mezzo-Soprano, G3-C6
Goddess of Water and wife of Zeus. Also plays a Siren and various chorus characters. Soprano, G3-A5
Mythical one-eyed monster who believes in love. Also plays a Siren and various chorus characters. Tenor, C4-C6
Mythical half-horse, half-human who believes in love. Also plays a Siren and various chorus characters. Tenor, C4-C6
Ominous messenger of the Greek gods who does not have time for your crap. Featured speaking role. Also plays various chorus characters. Any vocal part.
Greek God of Love, a giggly and goofy individual. Featured movement role. Any vocal part.