"Once Upon a Mattress" Play Seeks Teen Boys and Girls
Seeking some teens (must be 12 and up) for "Once Upon a Mattress" Play. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: Our story begins in a faraway kingdom long ago. Due to an unhappy curse, King Sextimus is unable to speak. Meanwhile, his terror-of-a-wife, Queen Aggravain, has taken over control of the kingdom. Most importantly, in an attempt to keep Prince Dauntless single, she has decreed that only the princess that can pass her test may marry her son. Further, no one else in the kingdom may marry until Prince Dauntless does. Luckily, Sir Harry is able to find an amazing princess, Winnifred the Woebegone. She instantly catches the attention of Prince Dauntless, and in the end, is able to pass the Queen's supposedly impassable sensitivity test. When the Queen still tries to prevent Prince Dauntless from marrying, he tells her to 'shut up' which ends up breaking the curse on the king. Now able to speak, King Sextimus regains his rightful position as leader of the kingdom, and all is well. Additional info: Come ready with a 1-min monologue, ready to cold read, and with an upbeat song of 32 bars. Pickwick will not provide accompaniment. Also, be ready for the short movement segment. If interested, please apply.
20 roles
Lead, Tenor
Supporting, Tenor
Supporting, Silent
Supporting, Soprano
Supporting, Tenor
Supporting, Tenor
Supporting, Baritone
Featured, Alto
Featured, Soprano
Featured, Soprano
Featured, Spoken
Featured, Tenor,
Featured, Silent
Ensemble, Tenor