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Newborn Model Needed for Upcoming Photo Session
Woodland, CA, United States
ID: 579241Exp: 1/18/2025
Seeking a newborn model for an upcoming photo session. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Looking for only a few people to come in for an absolute complimentary session and gifted images - as the studio is introducing BRAND NEW experiences, wardrobe, sets and more for within your session! If you are interested please apply.
3 roles
NewbornBoth genders0-0 y.o.All ethnicities
“In-Studio Newborn” age between 5-25 days (mom can still be expecting)
Newborn with siblingBoth genders0-0 y.o.All ethnicities
“In-studio Newborn with sibling” age between 5-25 days (mom can still be expecting)
NewbornBoth genders0-2 y.o.All ethnicities
“In-Studio Milestone” (ages 2m-2yr)