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"Newsies & James" Auditions for Teen Boys and Girls

Kennewick, WA, United States
ID: 579014Exp: 1/11/2025

Audition for "Newsies" and “James and the Giant Peach”. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: “James and the Giant Peach” Auditions are open for anyone ages 8-18. Performances will be May 16-24th with rehearsal set to be on Monday and Wednesday evenings (specific days and times will be broken down depending upon the part that is cast). Please come prepared with a 60-second musical theatre piece and a 60-second monologue to perform. Dress in comfortable clothes and shoes, and be ready to dance! "Newsies" Auditions are open for anyone ages 13 and up. Please come prepared with a 60-second musical theatre piece and a 60-second monologue to perform. Dress in comfortable clothes and shoes, and be ready to dance! Performed April 11-19th. Practices will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays (specific days and times will be broken down depending on the part that is cast). If interested, please apply.

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48 roles

LadahlordMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

A strange, magical storyteller. Often inserts himself into the story, in disguise, to help push the action forward. "James and the Giant Peach"

JamesMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

A lonely young boy who lacks confidence. Having lost both his parents in a freak accident, he feels he belongs nowhere in the world. However, when given the right encouragement he becomes resourceful and innovative. A good friend. "James and the Giant Peach"

SpikerFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

James' mean aunt. A thief and a scoundrel. Shrewd and opportunistic. Very tall and thin. "James and the Giant Peach"

SpongeFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

James' other mean aunt. Also a thief and a scoundrel, but not nearly as bright as her sister. Very corpulent, she often has her mind on food. "James and the Giant Peach"

SpiderFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

A normal spider who has become human-sized after eating a crocodile tongue. Her husband was killed and eaten by Spiker and Sponge. She is warm and friendly to James. This actor also plays Woman with Purse and Reporter 1. "James and the Giant Peach"

Green GrasshopperMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

A wizened grasshopper who has become human-sized after eating a crocodile tongue. An excellent musician. Has his eye on Ladybug. This actor also plays Man with Wallet and Garden Guild. "James and the Giant Peach"

CentipedeMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

An ornery centipede who becomes human-sized after eating a crocodile tongue. Hates humans, in part because Spiker and Sponge fumigated his family. Prickly and rude, everyone thinks he is a pest. This actor also plays Buzz, the Hollywood agent. "James and the Giant Peach"

LadybugFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

A motherly ladybug who has become human-sized after eating a crocodile tongue. Respectable and classy, she has a warm, caring heart. Has her eye on Grasshopper. This actor also plays Matron Nurse and Reporter. "James and the Giant Peach"

EarthwormMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

An earthworm who has become human-sized after eating a crocodile tongue. A bit of a scaredy-cat. He is neurotic and worried about everything, but is very friendly and brave when called upon. This actor also plays Bobby Cop and Bitzi Botana. "James and the Giant Peach"

CrowdBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

Karl KreatourBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

ReportersBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

VagrantsBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

Garden GuildBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

Bobby-CopsBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

Willy WonkaBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

Oompa LoompasBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

Hollywood AgentsBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

SeaugullsBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

New YorkersBoth genders8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

"James and the Giant Peach"

Jack KellyMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The charismatic leader of the Manhattan newsies, is an oprhaned dreamer and artist who yearns to get out of the crowded streets of New York and make a better life for himself out West. Fiercely protective of his best friend, Crutchie, and strongly loyal, Jack isn’t afraid to use his voice to attain better conditions for the working kids of New York City. "Newsies"

CrutchieBoth genders13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

A dedicated newsie with a bum leg that’s painful, but helps sell more papes. Though he walks with the assistance of a crutch, Crutchie doesn’t let it define him; when in a jam, Jack Kelly’s best friend relies on a goofy- sweet sense of humor and optimistic resilience. Crutchie is the heart of the resistance. "Newsies"

DaveyMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Les’s straight-laced, bright big brother starts selling newspapers to help his family earn a living, but becomes swept up in the fervor of the strike. A leader in his own right who is learning to use his voice to uplift others, Davey is the brains of the resistance. "Newsies"

LesMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Davey’s cheeky younger brother, is inspired by the freedom of the newsies and loves their independent lifestyle. A precocious and natural newsie, Les is an intuitive salesboy and a pint-sized charmer. "Newsies"

AlbertMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


ButtonsMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


ElmerMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


FinchMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


HenryMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


IkeMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


Jo JoMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


MikeMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


MushMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


RaceMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


RomeoMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


SpecsBoth genders13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


SplasherBoth genders13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


Tommy BoyMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities


ScabsBoth genders13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Three newsies who are hesitant to join the strike. "Newsies"

Spot ConlonBoth genders13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The proud leader of the Brooklyn newsies, boasts an intimidating reputation and a short singing solo in “Brooklyn’s Here.” "Newsies"

Katherine PlumberFemale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities


DarcyBoth genders13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The upper-class kid of a publisher who sides with the newsies. "Newsies"

BillMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

The son of William Randolph Hearst who joins the newsies' cause. Can double as a newsie. "Newsies"

WieselMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Or “Weasel,” runs the distribution window for the World and knows most of the newsies by name. Assisted by the intimidating Delancey brothers, who keep order by any means necessary, Wiesel is Pulitzer’s disgruntled paper- pusher. "Newsies"

OscarMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Tough brothers who work at the distribution window for the World, take the side of the publishers in the strike and are known to use their fists to make a point. "Newsies"

Morris DelanceyMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Tough brothers who work at the distribution window for the World, take the side of the publishers in the strike and are known to use their fists to make a point. "Newsies"

GoonsBoth genders13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Assist the Delanceys in roughing up the newsies at the end of Act One. "Newsies"

Joseph PulitzerMale13-18 y.o.All ethnicities

A pompous businessman through and through, owns the World and is concerned solely with the bottom line. Katherine’s no-nonsense father, Pulitzer doesn’t sympathize with the strikers, but he does eventually – and grudgingly – respect Jack. "Newsies"