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"Miss Summertime Blues and Christmas Toy Drive" Seeks Girls

Coward, SC, United States
ID: 578328Exp: 12/21/2024

"Miss Summertime Blues and Christmas Toy Drive" pageant seeking young girls. Please find the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Age on Dec 21st, 2024 determines age category. You may move up, but you cannot move down. There is no grace period. Beauty Winners in each group will receive an OFFICIAL SUMMETIME BLUES FULL ROUND CROWN, AND SASH. There will be 2 runners-ups in each division. Runners-up will receive a NICE GIFT. Participation prizes will be given to all that do not place. BEST HAIR, BEST DRESS, and BEST SMILE AWARDS will be included in this competition (these awards will be given to each age category at no additional cost). OPTIONAL REHEARSAL: A basic "T" pattern will be used. You may rehearse 30 minutes before the pageants. Please see the attachment for details. If you are interested please apply.

8 roles

Baby MissFemale0-1 y.o.All ethnicities

Birth to 18 mo

Toddler MissFemale2-3 y.o.All ethnicities

19 to 35 mo

Tiny MissFemale3-4 y.o.All ethnicities

Miny MissFemale5-7 y.o.All ethnicities

Petite MissFemale8-10 y.o.All ethnicities

Junior MissFemale11-13 y.o.All ethnicities

Teenager MissFemale14-16 y.o.All ethnicities

MissFemale16-18 y.o.All ethnicities