Casting Young Talents for 'A Lasting Place' UCLA Graduate Short
After passing away from dementia, a failed painter gets trapped in the urn of his father. While here he must confront the past previous versions of himself, and the traumatic cycle of abuse that pushed him to this moment. DISCLAIMER: This project contains sensitive subject matter including depictions of child abuse and suicide. We are seeking performers who are comfortable engaging with this material in a professional and respectful manner. This scene is portrayed through a flashback and the story explores the long-term effects of abuse. Performers will be fully informed about the nature of the scene during the audition process, and will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with the director. We acknowledge the gravity of the subject matter, and the well-being of our actors is paramount, and we will provide a supportive and safe environment on set.
1 role
At this age, Fallen is curious about a lot of things as a child would be. Amongst being a victim of sexual abuse due to the negelect of his father, he spends most of his time alone at home. His vulnerability and a part of his innocence has been snatched away from him. Through toys, music, and a newfound love of drawing, he uses these things to venture away from his harsh reality.