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"Royalty USA National" Pageant Seeking Kids and Teens
Charleston, SC, United States
ID: 578138Exp: 2/5/2025
"Royalty USA National" Pageant looking for kids and teens. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Please note: there is a production fee applied. Date: October 23-26, 2025 Delegates/Parents/Guardians agree and understand that all judge's comments are final and the directors reserve the right to disqualify any delegate on the grounds of unsportsmanlike behavior Delegates and their parents/guardians give permission to Royalty USA to use all photos and videos for promotional use in both print and social media. If you are interested please apply.
5 roles
Little MissFemale4-6 y.o.All ethnicities
Jr. PreteenFemale7-9 y.o.All ethnicities
PreteenFemale10-12 y.o.All ethnicities
Jr. TeenFemale13-15 y.o.All ethnicities
TeenFemale16-18 y.o.All ethnicities