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Singing Opportunities for Kids in "Mean Girls Jr." Show

Knoxville, TN, United States
ID: 577728Exp: 12/15/2024

Auditions for the upcoming production of "MEAN GIRLS, JR.". Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Actors will be called for an additional half-hour following their audition slot for a dance workshop/audition with the choreographer. Thus, actors who select the 4:30 slot will be asked to remain at the theatre until 5:30 pm and so forth. Auditionees should prepare 16 to 24 bars of a song. Each auditionee must bring 2 copies of sheet music. Sheet Music: All singers must bring 2 printed copies of the sheet music for their audition piece. It is crucial that the music you bring is in a key that works for your voice and is well-suited for a pianist to accompany you. Accompaniment: We ask that you bring sheet music with a proper piano accompaniment arrangement (no vocal scores or lead sheets, please). A well-prepared arrangement will allow the accompanist to provide the best support during your audition. Style of audition piece – Pick a song or piece that you enjoy, that fits your vocal or instrumental range, and that suits the style of the audition. No “a cappella” auditions (auditions without accompaniment) will be heard. Do NOT choose a song from the show. Songs from POP musical theatre are recommended. Please highlight or clearly mark the section of the music that you will be singing for the audition. Songs will be evaluated on pitch, strength of volume, tone, clearness of diction, depth of emotional expression, and ability to act while singing. Auditionees should also prepare a SHORT one-minute monologue from a play or novel. The monologue should express comic emotion and a theatrical level of volume and expression. If interested, please apply.

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1 role

TalentBoth genders12-18 y.o.All ethnicities
