"The Little Match Girl" and "A Christmas Scarol" Seeks Kids
Auditions for two special Christmas productions: "The Little Match Girl" and "A Christmas Scarol". Looking for kids and teens. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: "A Christmas Scarol" - A Short Comedy. When Tim can't think of a Christmas gift for his high-maintenance girlfriend, he's visited by four terrifying spirits (actually, five - they've been hiring) who whisk him away on a harrowing and hilarious journey into the past, present, future, and alternate timeline. This wild and free-spirited adaptation of the holiday classic is a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas (getting awesome presents). "The Little Match Girl" (drama). This tragic story is dramatized with love and tenderness. Ragged, hungry Maggie tries to sell matches on a cold night, but no one will buy them - not because people are malicious or spiteful, but because they are so involved in their own lives that they fail to understand the needs of others. To keep warm, Maggie lights her matches and her pitiful little flame lights up the world around her - and eventually of those she encounters. Rate: Roles are unpaid, but all performers receive an appreciation stipend (donation/tip share). Additional info: Performers of all ethnicities, backgrounds, ages, and levels of experience are welcome and encouraged to audition (non-union, please). Those cast will be in both productions. ALL ROLES MAY BE DOUBLE CASTED. If after open auditions the director believes that a particular role cannot be satisfactorily cast, additional actors may be contacted for further auditions. Being invited to audition, either directly or indirectly, does not guarantee you a role. If you are interested, please apply.