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Kid Performers Needed for "Fruitcakes" Show

Huntingdon, PA, United States
ID: 573711Exp: 9/8/2024

Kids ages 8-16 years old are invited to audition for the "Fruitcakes" Show. Please see the details below. About the project: Fruitcakes is a heartwarming adventure that’s part comedy, part drama, and all festive fun! Stir in a delightful mix of fruitcakes, a dazzling display of 10,000 outdoor lights, and a pinch of chicken pox. Toss in two southern spinsters, an estranged old man, a mischievous lost cat named Tutti Frutti, and a Christmas hog named Buster, and voila! You’ve got the perfect recipe for an evening of holiday cheer. Jamie, a runaway kid, finds himself in this quirky town with its eccentric residents. Initially thinking they’re “nuttier than fruitcakes,” Jamie soon discovers the true magic of this festive community. Join us for a moving story that serves up a generous helping of the Christmas spirit! Additional info: The show performance dates are November 22, 23, 29, and 30 at 7:30 p.m. Matinees are November 23, 24, and 30, and December 1 at 2:30 p.m. Additional performances may be added if required. Please bring your calendar with all conflicts between September 8 and December 1. All actors will be required to attend all scheduled rehearsals during the final week before the show opens. Evening and weekend rehearsals as well as children’s workshops are anticipated for this production. Dates and times will be at the director’s discretion. Guardians are expected to attend all rehearsals and workshops, and chaperone signups are required during the production run. Parents and cast members ages 16 and up are strongly encouraged to attend workday sessions held on Saturdays or Sundays between September 16th and November 11th. Assistance is required to construct the set, perform building maintenance, and decorate for the holiday season. If interested, please apply.

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15 roles

JamieMale12-16 y.o.All ethnicities

A runaway boy from a nearby city.

Little BeeboMale10-14 y.o.All ethnicities

Beebo and Betty Jane’s son.

SallyFemale8-12 y.o.All ethnicities

Beebo and Betty Jane’s daughter.

JamesMale8-12 y.o.All ethnicities

Rick’s son

MeredithFemale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

SammyFemale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

LauraFemale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

AmyFemale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

MarybethFemale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

JoanieFemale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

FrancisFemale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

Little SkeeterMale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

Little LarryMale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

Little BillyMale8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

ChildrenBoth genders8-14 y.o.All ethnicities

Children who play various roles in the Christmas pageant.