Kid Performers Needed for "Inherit the Wind" Show
"Inherit the Wind" show casting actors ages 10-15. Please see the breakdown below. About the project: Inherit the Wind is based upon the real life “Scopes Monkey Trial” of 1925 in Dayton TN. The town prosecuted a high school teacher for teaching evolution, which was against the law in TN until 1967. It is the story of the struggle to uphold freedom of thought and the right to teach and to learn. First staged in 1955, it remains relevant today. As the playwrights noted, “It might have been yesterday. It could be tomorrow.” The large cast has something for everyone - dramatic starring roles, as well as fun, small character parts. Although it’s about a serious subject, there are many moments of comedy as well. Additional info: Note: The age listed is the character’s STAGE AGE. (i.e., the actor need not be that age, just be able to pass in that range while on stage). All roles will be cast based on who is right for the part, not on original gender of the characters. NOTES ABOUT AUDITIONS: • Attend either day • Please bring your calendar with you to note schedule conflicts! • Auditions start at 1:00 pm SHARP • No appointment necessary • No need to bring prepared material; readings from the script will be used. Audition sides: are attached. NOTES ABOUT REHEARSAL SCHEDULE: Expect 2-3 weeknight rehearsals and 1 weekend rehearsal per week. Not all cast members will be required to be at every rehearsal -directors value your volunteer time! Show dates: December 6th - 8th & 13th - 15th If you are interested, please apply.
2 roles
Smart, curious student of Bert Cates
Small town child, horrified by the idea of evolution