Seeking Kids for Short Stories
Auditions for the premiere of Truman Capote’s collection of heartwarming holiday short stories, “The Thanksgiving Visitor,” “One Christmas” and “A Christmas Memory”. Casting is flexible with roles for both children. Please see the details below. Additional info: Auditions begin promptly; late arrivals will be seen at the discretion of the director. Readings from the stories will occur. Sides will be provided. Rehearsals will be in September, October and November with performances of “The Thanksgiving Visitor” Friday, November 15, through Sunday, November 17. Performances of “One Christmas” and “A Christmas Memory” will be Friday, November 29, through Sunday, December 1. The play is performed by the ensemble of actors who create all the characters and create the environments. The assignment of these roles will be tailored to suit the ensemble of actors cast in this production. Those auditioning should wear suitable clothing and shoes for an audition and have a flexible schedule. Most rehearsals are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays during the day. Casting will be immediate as rehearsals begin mid-September. Minimal rehearsals, no memorization required, but always preferred. Familiarity with the script is a must. If interested, please apply.