"The Thomases" Open Role for New Character
A contemporary drama in a rural setting. The Thomases is an American soap opera set in the fictional small town of Ambridge, a spoof of Cambridge, and the dramatic, daily lives of the families that inhabit it. It currently has a cast over 30 actors, and each brings something new to each episode. Episodes will be aired three times a week starting February of 2025. We're currently looking for new talent to fill extra roles on the series. The audition will require two self-tapes, the first being the initial audition, and the second being the callback. Results are sent out no later than two weeks after an audition, and everyone gets a response. There is a chance that some actors will be cast in more prominent, recurring roles. If you're interested, please apply *and* be available via KidsCasting for more information.
2 roles
Please select this role if you'd like to audition, and be considered for a male/boy role.
Please select this role if you'd like to audition, and be considered for girl/female roles.