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Casting Teen Performers for "Once Upon A Mattress" Play

Saint Peters, MO, United States
ID: 573034Exp: 9/9/2024

Open auditions for "Once Upon A Mattress" show. Looking for youth performers. Please see the breakdown below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: Synopsis: Once Upon A Mattress is a whimsical and entertaining musical adaptation of the classic fairy tale The Princess and the Pea. The story revolves around a kingdom where the Queen’s oppressive rule and a peculiar curse create a backdrop for a humorous and heartwarming tale. In this unhappy kingdom, King Sextimus has been rendered mute by a witch’s curse, unable to speak until “the mouse devours the hawk.” Meanwhile, Queen Aggravain has taken control, her domineering presence felt throughout the Royal household. She decrees that no one may marry until her son, Prince Dauntless, weds a true princess of royal blood. To ensure this, the Queen has devised nearly impossible tests for the eleven princesses who have so far attempted to win the prince’s hand, all of whom have failed. The kingdom’s inhabitants, especially the Knights and Ladies of the Court, are distressed by this situation. Among them are Lady Larken and her lover, Sir Harry. With Lady Larken expecting a child, the need to find a suitable princess for Prince Dauntless becomes urgent. Determined, Sir Harry embarks on a quest to find a true princess and returns with Princess Winnifred, who arrives dripping wet after swimming the moat. Winnifred’s unorthodox behavior and vivacious personality captivate Prince Dauntless, much to the chagrin of Queen Aggravain. Desperate to thwart Winnifred, the Queen consults the Wizard and they concoct a sensitivity test involving a pea placed beneath twenty mattresses. The Queen declares that if Winnifred is truly of royal blood, she will be unable to sleep. To ensure she fails, the Queen hosts a ball with vigorous dancing, encourages Winnifred to drink heavily, gives her a sleeping draught, and even provides a singing bird to lull her to sleep. However, despite these efforts, Winnifred remains sleepless, spending the night counting sheep. Furious, the Queen demands that Princess Winnifred leave the kingdom. But Prince Dauntless, now in love with Winnifred, stands up to his mother. In a twist, the Jester reveals that the true reason Winnifred couldn’t sleep was due to his mischievous placement of uncomfortable items under the top mattress, including his lute, a helmet, a large spiked ball, some livestock, and old armor. Ultimately, the Queen’s plans are foiled, the curse on King Sextimus is lifted, and the kingdom rejoices as Prince Dauntless and Princess Winnifred find their happily ever after, with the Queen finally receiving her comeuppance. Additional info: – Prepare 32 bars of music in the style of the show, or from the show, at your choice. Accompanist will be provided (no recorded music or a capella). Bring a copy of sheet music; if from a book, please bring a copy that can be laid flat to minimize page turns. – Additional cold reading from script may be requested; sides will be provided at auditions and/or callbacks. No monologues. CALLBACKS: September 11 from 5:30 pm-9 pm (by invitation only): Will include dance/movement combination and cold readings from script. For some singing roles, you may be asked to sing from the show. Read-Through for those cast: September 12. Performance Dates: Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10. Please download and fill out IN ADVANCE and bring to your audition.) If you are interested, please apply.

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20 roles

PRINCESS WINNIFREDFemale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal Range – Belt (A3 to D♭ 5), Dance Requirements: Light. Character Description: She is not the “classical” princess in any sense of the word. She can swim moats, lift weights and she prefers the swamps of home to a fancy castle. She is energetic, adventurous, independent and optimistic.

QUEEN AGGRAVAINMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal Range – Alto (A3 to B4), Dance Requirements: Light. Character Description: Very protective of her only son, Dauntless. She is a strong character that takes the stage with her presence. She is over-bearing, lively, domineering, but should be played comically.

JESTERMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal Range – Tenor (D♭ 3 to A♭ 4), Dance Requirements: Experienced. Character Description: Male or Female- Looking for a dancer and special talents- juggling, gymnast, contortionist, etc. Must be flexible, agile and full of energy. Has a hidden passion for show business and the “good old days” His/her loyalties lie with his friends, the King & the Minstrel.

PRINCE DAUNTLESSMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal Range – Baritone (A3 to E4), Dance Requirements: Light. Character Description: Still a “mama’s boy,” but it is evident that he is ready to move on. He is child-like, naïve, with a likeable sense of innocence. He adores Winnifred and is in awe of her every step.

LADY LARKENFemale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal Range – Soprano (D♭ 4 to A♭ 5), Dance Requirements: Light. Character Description: She is graceful, charming and in love with Sir Harry. She is very eager for Dauntless to marry so she can wed Harry before her little bundle arrives. She is eager to please and would never cause embarrassment to her love, Sir Harry.

SIR HARRYMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal Range – Tenor (C3 to G4), Dance Requirements: Light. Character Description: He is a handsome and manly knight, but a bit of a “stuffed shirt.” He may one day become the Prime Minister, if he can find a Princess to marry Dauntless, so he can wed Lady Larkin. He is chivalrous, brave, determined and a bit taken with himself.

MINSTRELMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal Range – Tenor (D3 to A♭ 4), Dance Requirements: Light. Character Description: May be cast as male or female. Young, attractive and “worldly”. Has an air of confidence and enjoys telling the real story to the audience. S/he is likable and cunning when need be.

Sir StudleyMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Sir LuceMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Sir HarryMale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Kitchen WenchBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

EmilyBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Lady MabelleFemale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

NightingaleBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Ladies-in-WaitingFemale17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

KnightsBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

SoldiersBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

ServantsBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

MusiciansBoth genders17-18 y.o.All ethnicities

sMale1-1 y.o.All ethnicities