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Seeking Kids for Christmas Musical "Nuncrackers"

Shirley, MA, United States
ID: 572339Exp: 9/8/2024

Seeking 8 children to play in grades 3 - 12, with possible chorus members added for "Nuncrackers". Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: All cast members should be strong actors who can both sing as soloists and blend with a group. Most vast members need to be able to learn 3-part harmony. Rehearsals will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings, 6:30-9:00. Students will often be let out at 8:00. Performances will be held on Nov. 15, 16, and 17. For the audition: • You should prepare a short (less than one minute) singing selection in the style of the show. Bring sheet music for the pianist. • You will be taught a section of a 3-part harmony song to test your harmony ability. • You will be given pages from the script to read with other cast members. • You will be taught a short movement piece. Attendance is REQUIRED for all your scheduled rehearsals unless prior arrangements have been made, or in case of illness or emergency. If interested, please apply.

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10 roles

REVEREND MOTHER MARY REGINAFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(Mother Superior of the Little Sisters of Hoboken) tries to be strict and keep order, but things often get out of her control. She grew up in a circus family and her “showbiz” background and sense of humor always shine through her attempt at creating a tough exterior.

SISTER MARY HUBERTFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(Mistress of Novices) is second in command to Mother Superior. She wanted to be a nun all her life and at times finds it difficult to deal with problems she firmly believes are created by Mother Superior’s ineptness. She is very practical. She and Mother Superior have a healthy and humorous rivalry.

SISTER ROBERT ANNEFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(streetwise nun from Brooklyn, New York) is one tough cookie but has a heart and soul of gold. The students love her because she “speaks their language.” She feels she has real theatrical potential and is constantly frustrated by Reverend Mother’s refusal to let her “star” in the show.

SISTER MARY PAULFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(aka AMNESIA, the nun who lost her memory) was hit on the head with a crucifix and for a long period didn’t remember who she was. Now, everyone knows she is Sister Mary Paul, a country singer who jump-started her recoding career as the first nun to appear at the Grand Ole Opry.

SISTER MARY LEOFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(novice in the first three shows who wants to be a ballerina) now has her black veil. She is very excited to be in the Christmas show because Reverend Mother has allowed her to dance in the Nutcracker Ballet. Sister Leo has dedicated her life to becoming the first famous nun ballerina.

SISTER JULIA, CHILD OF GODFemale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Is the notorious Convent Cook who, in the original Nunsense show, was responsible for the accidental poisoning of 52 sisters when she served some tainted vichyssoise soup.

SISTER MARY WILHELMMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Is the Convent Nurse. She appeared with the cast of Sister Amnesia’s… Jamboree when Reverend Mother was unable to “tour.” Before entering the convent she had appeared in some Beach Blanket movies and personally knows Frankie Avalon.

BROTHER BRENDAN JOSEPHMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

Is a teacher at Mount St. Helen’s School and is thrilled to be part of the Nuncrackers cast.

SISTER MARY LUKEMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(also a teacher at Mount Saint Helen’s) is grateful that Reverend Mother has allowed her to participate in the festivities.

SISTER MARY CELESTEMale8-18 y.o.All ethnicities

(a new novice) has recently entered the Little Sisters of Hoboken Convent.