Teens/Youth Needed Paper Dolls The Movie
Paper Dolls movie adaptation. Looking for teens/youth for several scenes, including a {pretend} student film festival scene, teen birthday party scene, and teen party scene. These roles are extras and featured extras and non-paid. IMDb credit will be given as compensation, and meals will be given for 4 or more hours of filming. Shoots several dates in April, one confirmed date being Monday, April 15, 2024. More details for each film shoot will be provided if you are selected and booked. No audition required as these are not speaking parts.
5 roles
Portraying guests at a fictional red carpet event for a fictional student film festival in the movie. Shoots April 15, 2024.
Portraying students who are going to an event at school to get recruited into the Paper Dolls club.
Portraying high school students who are background in one or more scenes revolving the characters in school.
Portraying teens attending a classmate’s birthday party.
Portraying teens attending a high school party.