"The Radium Girls" Show Needs Teenagers
"The Radium Girls" Show is looking for performers who are in 7th - 12th grades. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: In 1926, radium was a miracle cure, Madame Curie an international celebrity, and luminous watches the latest rage-until the girls who painted them began to fall ill with a mysterious disease. Inspired by a true story, Radium Girls traces the efforts of Grace Fryer, a dial painter, as she fights for her day in court. Her chief adversary is her former employer, Arthur Roeder, an idealistic man who cannot bring himself to believe that the same element that shrinks tumors could have anything to do with the terrifying rash of illnesses among his employees. As the case goes on, however, Grace finds herself battling not just with the U.S. Radium Corporation, but with her own family and friends, who fear that her campaign for justice will backfire. Written with warmth and humor, Radium Girls is a fast-moving, highly theatrical ensemble piece for 9 to 10 actors, who play more than 30 parts-friends, co-workers, lovers, relatives, attorneys, scientists, consumer advocates, and myriad interested bystanders. Called a "powerful" and "engrossing" drama by critics, Radium Girls offers a wry, unflinching look at the peculiarly American obsessions with health, wealth, and the commercialization of science. Additional info: Performances will be on February 23 & 24, 2023. If interested, please apply.
26 roles
A top-notch dialpainter.
Her friend, another dialpainter.
Kathryn's cousin.
President of the U.S. Ra dium Corp.
Counsel for the company.
Vice president, later president of the company.
Founder of U.S. Radium Corp., inventor of the luminous paint.
Grace's boyfriend, is several years older than her.
Married to Arthur Roeder.
Their daughter.
Grace's mother.
The executive director, New Jersey Consumer's League.
An attorney for the dial painters.
A Harvard in dus trial hygienist.
The county medical examiner.
A dentist.
Discovered radium.
Columbia University industrial hygienist.
A reporter, Newark Ledger.
A tabloid reporter, New York Graphic.
An entrepreneur, manufacturer of Radithor.
A consumer of Radithor.
Mrs. James (Cora) Middleton, is a well-bred woman.
An over worked public employee.