"Heading Home" Short Narrative Film
Casting for "Heading Home," a BA Capstone project for Emerson College. A short narrative film centered on a Southeast Asian American coming-of-age story about chosen families and generational differences. Shooting Oct. 13-15th, 20-22nd, but the roles are not needed for the entirety of those days. Due to budget constraints and the nature of this being a student film, we cannot offer monetary compensation or housing accommodations. However, we will be providing catering, and you will have access to the film as soon as possible for your reels.
2 roles
This role is the younger version of our main character, Alicia Lin Song. Young Ali is creative, shy, and she strives to please her mother but doesn't quite know how to.
This role is the younger version of our supporting character, Anthony Song. He is the older brother of Ali Song, our main character. Young Anthony follows the rules and is the "perfect Asian son."